• Question: If everyone went on a diet, would it make a difference to the world?

    Asked by to sakshisharda, Ian on 23 Jun 2014. This question was also asked by .
    • Photo: Sakshi Sharda

      Sakshi Sharda answered on 23 Jun 2014:

      Hmmm jol3y

      Your question is both interesting and philosophical. I think that if everyone went on a diet, we would save a lot of food. But interestingly hunger on this planet is not because we don’t have food to eat or that enough is not being produced, it is rather that food does not reach places where it is needed. You would be surprised to know that the amount of food wasted in Europe alone could feed half on Africa!! Apart from this the governments regulate food such a way that it’s prices stay high. So for instance, in some countries, animals are reared for meat and then some of them are just killed to create an artificial scarcity of food so that prices are high (because production is made limited). There is a lot of corruption and politics associated with this which is very sad.

      So coming back to your question of whether it would make a difference to this world. I think it would in way, because many would probably understand the value of food and hopefully waste less. It could also improve the health of people a little, they may lose weight and become fitter I guess!

      What are your thoughts on this issue?

    • Photo: Ian Stephenson

      Ian Stephenson answered on 23 Jun 2014:

      As Sakshi said, feeding everyone is more about getting food to the right people, rather than just there not being enough food.

      However, it would make a difference to the health of the individuals. In America, and increasingly Europe obesity is a serious health issue. I don’t mean a few Kg either way – its totally OK to be a bit bigger or smaller. But serious obesity (where people might be DOUBLE there recommended weight) isn’t uncommon, and has major heath implications.
