• Question: What qualifications do you have to get to become a scientist?

    Asked by to sakshisharda, Naomi, Mathew on 17 Jun 2014. This question was also asked by .
    • Photo: Naomi Osborne

      Naomi Osborne answered on 17 Jun 2014:

      Start by getting A-levels in the subjects you like – if you love biology you don’t necessarily need physics but chemistry can help, if you love physics then maths may be useful. You can go on to studying for a degree in the subject you like most and either do a phD or get a job straight away (which is what I did).

      There are also apprenticeships available which you can start straight after GCSEs or A-levels, where you can work whilst studying. This way you can gain just as much experience as someone with a degree and work your up the career ladder.

      The most important thing is to study what you enjoy most as being passionate about science is crucial if you want to be a scientist, and this you’ll only get if you really enjoy that area of science 🙂

      If you want to learn more about microbiology careers, this website is really helpful – http://www.sgm-microbiologycareers.org.uk/schoolleavers.html
