• Question: what was your worst subject in school?

    Asked by to sakshisharda, Naomi, Mathew, Ian, Edward on 17 Jun 2014. This question was also asked by .
    • Photo: Ian Stephenson

      Ian Stephenson answered on 17 Jun 2014:

      French (closely followed by History).

      I really couldn’t see the point of having to memorise a bunch of stuff that had no explanation (like irregular verbs, or vocabulary). I always wanted to ask “why”, and never liked being told “because thats how it is”. Ask “why” in a science lesson, and hopefully you’ll get “that’s a great question…” and hopefuly start a discussion. Ask “Why” in a French lesson and you’ll get kicked out!

      However I find linguistics and language really fascinating. Looking at how words, and expressions evolved and how different languages borrow from each other – the “why?” is actually really fascinating.

    • Photo: Mathew Piasecki

      Mathew Piasecki answered on 17 Jun 2014:

      RE (Religious Education). I went to a catholic school because it was the best in the area, so we had to study RE up to GCSE level. I hated it, we spent a lot of time copying passages from the bible which I saw as a huge waste of time. On the plus side I think making RE compulsory and focusing on one particular religion creates more atheists than any other subject.

    • Photo: Naomi Osborne

      Naomi Osborne answered on 17 Jun 2014:

      Probably maths – I was never very good at it. If I could go back I would have paid more attention in class – it’s pretty important to be good with numbers in science!

    • Photo: Sakshi Sharda

      Sakshi Sharda answered on 18 Jun 2014:

      I used to hate Physics, I used to run for my life when I had to study that for exams. I wish I had a good teacher!
